
January 18, 2016

The Departed

When it comes to the paranormal ghosts are the main subject in terms of research because of its obscurity. Ghosts in a nutshell are the spiritual beings that were once alive and have died and now either roam the earth or a certain place. Ghosts have been seen from all figures in history from modern day presidents to old civilizations from the ancient past. And what people say they are surprisingly matches really close to definition on what ghosts are. Some say they are people who died never being happy, died horribly or in an accident, have an important message to tell, and even that other entities evil or angelic keep them on earth for different purposes.

Throughout all history ghosts have been subject to major skepticism from researchers but never disproven. People who see ghosts in the past where considered cursed or a bad omen to people but always taken seriously at the time. Today the existence of ghosts still has not been proven or disproven. And still is a controversial topic that people try to disprove its existence by either it being a genetic sequence to just hysteria and hallucinations. But unlike the past we are in a whole different world which right now actually have theories that prove they can exist, and that would be science. Ever since the neutrino was discovered it changed the scientific community forever. What does this have to do with ghosts you say? Well interestingly neutrinos are subatomic particles that behave unlike any other, described as the most tiny quantity of reality ever imagined by a human being. Ok so about it relating to ghosts it is a particle that....get ready.. passes through absolutely everything without interfering with what its passing, HINT what do we hear that passes through walls and such? GHOSTS!!! In fact the particle is dubbed the Ghost Particle.

As time passes we may one day figure out how to detect ghost instead of relying on their energy fields and guessing where they might appear. Also with scientists coming up with string theory and multiple dimensions it all gives ghosts more theorical proof that they are multi dimensional beings that as of yet we do not understand how to detect it and its mysteries, yet.

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