
January 18, 2016

My real life haunting

Before i start with my story i would like to say that this website is for everyone and I personally think everyone should show about what society shrugs off as made up or false stories. Religious or not believer or not it is a subject that at least one of our family members has gone through and as humans should respect what they told us about their experiences and support them. Because one of the worst feelings we can experience is denial of our family, friends when you feel deep inside that it happened or saw something. Like diseases we don't choose to be affected by them it just happens for reasons we may never know. 

Growing up in the north side of Chicago I spent all my childhood living in my aunts house. Normal life, went to school, nothing out of the ordinary except that i liked to go out a lot to parks and just anywhere to have fun full of energy. But if there was something I absolutely loved was astronomy and skyscrapers. When I got my first telescope I almost every night I would go outside at night to look at the moon at the stars, and even knew what planets were visible in what month which today I totally have forgotten. In school I would draw the sears tower(Willis now) and just cities of what I thought the future would look like. But there was something that always lurked in the back of my mind throughout all those times, the night was my biggest fear and specially where we lived at the top of the house which was where my life would change forever.

The laughs the times with my friends were the things that kept me from thinking about all the weird things that happened to me and later on to other members of my family. It could be that one of the reasons I liked going out so much was to not stay where we lived alone since my parents usually went down to the neighbors to talk or just help on cooking food, and I would just stay since I either had homework to do or just help clean. I certainly didn't like being alone upstairs, every time  I felt like a heavy presence every time I was alone. And even when my parents were there I sometimes just never got out of their sight because of a weird feeling like when you know someone is gonna get you like a dog chasing you which I certainly experienced a lot of those ha ha so my body would react accordingly but the weirdest thing I would feel that but at home when at the direction that I felt it there nothing, noone. As I grew up I started to have weird dreams that were just plainly bizarre like people with deformed bodies and no eyes or multiple arms and so on. It was freaky specially with weird feelings around the place.

As time went on I started to notice it less and had another aunt and uncle live with us, it was a pretty good sized apartment so it was no problem getting everyone settled in. And thats when it began getting out of control. The following months my aunt that moved in told my mother that she had seen shadows near the main room which is were me my mother and father slept in and she and my uncle outside in other rooms. She as she was gonna go to the bathroom to take a shower as she was heading towards it she turned around to face the door of the main room and saw on the bottom shadows and she thought it was us or me but as she saw the movement of shadow on the bottom of the door she remembered that we left to the grocery store, i forgot to add she arrived from work after we left. She obviously freaked out and ignored it, thinking it was just stress from work or just trees reflecting their shadows to the door. 

My uncle had a pretty bad scare. He was starting to go to sleep when he said that his bed started vibrating but then also swaying like levitating and then it started shaking violently and he was scared beyond belief but this is were it changed everything, he said he started praying to the Virgin Mary and as he did whatever was under his bed let go and the bed fell and he started to see a light which he said literally calmly put him to sleep. Until he woke up he saw the bed all crooked out of place and told my parents. They rarely told me anything I would just listen to what they were saying about the weird stuff that happened and later tell me more. That was the event that made everyone know that there was something else with us. And that freaked me out even more I felt even more uneasy.

After some time my aunt and uncle left and still had there experiences but nothing like before. Thats when it was just me and my parents again. This period I would call the mad phase because of the amount of arguments over nothing and just even me feeling anger towards everything. Even I knew something was wrong and my parents were acting differently than before, just mad but even me like a shock of anger out of nowhere. Like everything else it suddenly stopped. I even joked that they haven't argued about anything in a while and they said they don't remember fighting. 

And at last I was the last one to experience whatever was there because it escalated to ghosts to unknown entities in one year span which after that nothing. So I will just get to it, first. The tooth fairy was something I recently heard about that year and wanted to leave my soon to fall off tooth for something which when it fell I put it under my pillow and proceeded to fall sleep. It was cool to see my tooth gone and a few bucks in its place. I proceeded to do it every time which always got something. But I suspected my parents being the ones putting money so I had one tooth I haven't shown them that I had or maybe a tooth I haven't used but either way without them knowing I placed  it and fell sleep, they knew I had no more tooth to place so it was perfect. I suddenly like everyone wakes up slightly to change sleeping positions but before I moved through my eyelids I saw that It was bright and wondered if it was already morning so I opened my eyes and was facing the wall as usual but suddenly closed them because I knew it was still dark but a light was moving around the room which i didn't want to turn around to see. The most incredible thing was that there was like a slow harp music playing but very peaceful. It still freaked the hell out of me and just never opened my eyes and fell sleep again. I wake up and the tooth is gone and nothing in the pillow.

The next event was when I was waking up. It was still dark at night and I wanted to get out of the bed but couldn't. My legs were not frozen but they get pulled back to the center so I couldn't move out the bed. I started struggling and started to cry and I could hear myself cry and saw my parents kinda react to me start to cry so I decide Ill just scream, as soon as I inhale everything goes silent. I stop and try to make noise and see that it isn't working, so I start to shake the bed but as soon as I did it looked liked the bed was moving in slow motion which didn't make any noise at all and made things even worse. I start to think and just freak out and at the end of my bed I see like a door rising from probably the floor from how i saw it rise but at the end of the bed but it wasn't made of wood it was nothing but black darkness, literally like just black in the shape of a rectangle which I described as a door. And then the weirdest thing happens, I see time speed up, I see my parents tossing and turning, and the window on how the rays of the sun move across the window, I was so distracted that I didn't notice the black door just vanish. A bit after my parents wake up and stare at me asking me am I ok and I just lay back in bed sleepy as hell and go to sleep. 

Another event is when at night I was sleeping. I wake up and just see the table with candles that my parents leave at night, they were pretty bright but I just glanced at them nothing more when suddenly I see dark shadowy lines comes from the flame of the candle and slowly make their way around me, I just stare scared as see the lines expand in size and look like if someone with robes is praying, all around my bed I see the shadows praying around me and I just don't move but don't close my eyes and just start crying slowly and hide under my bedsheets, i look again and there gone.

The last is seeing the culprit. In this time I slept at the end of the bed with my parents due to the place scaring me. I wake up early like I usually did those days and hear noises and well pretty much like 20 feet from me I see a hole in the ceiling that you can see the other side just intense white circle and a skeleton grabbing on to a rope i guess I couldn't really see what type it was but a skeleton with a sort of facial expression of sadness and crying trying to get up but can't... Afterwards I see on another morning movement around the room, and my parents in a frozen state just oblivious to me looking around already crying but just looking, and by the window I see a person but with red skin which today I would describe as just flesh no skin and a grin showing off many teeth with yellow eyes staring at me and I quickly turn away trying desperately to wake my mother but shes non responsive and I hear another ruffling noise and I look up near the window and see a floating entity stating at me and all I hear is my heartbeat and just freeze in terror, it was a creature maybe it was a type of demon but then  again I stare at it and it stares at me and it moves its face towards the window and I see it move towards the window and pass through the wall still with its grin. And well time passes again, the light of the sun fills the room but in a beautiful yellow white glow and I look around and see nothing, feel nothing and can hear everything again and just start crying and my mother wakes up instantly and hugs me as I cry and cry. 

After that day nothing happened to me or anyone else. There were times somethings may have happened but nothing big. After that we moved to the second floor. The last time I had something happen was when my uncle came to visit and we were in the kitchen and above us hear two heavy footsteps and stare at it each other because the place was alone and the door locked for the top floor. No one lived there. We just smiled and just forgot it. That was the last time Ive ever had any experiences of that type. It never happened after and nothing at all now. I saw many things, heard screams saw weird shadows but at the end it all stopped after I saw the being and yet it didn't stay it left, and to this day the ceiling floor walls have been taken down due to a weird inspection that made that floor not good for anyone. And it stands just like when we moved in, no walls just wooden roof but  noone has plans to rebuild it anytime soon, my dad did when we first moved in, he worked all the floor all the walls and today all gone all empty, and locked. 

It wasn't until 10 years later i return to visit my aunt since we moved way south we moved around a bit looking for a place to comfortably be in. When I visited I was amazed how much has changed, but then I asked her, hows the top floor? She said , we had a guy rent there but he left soon after and then had inspectors come in and take everything down due to a construction violation. I was surprised but i asked her can i go see? she says yes and grabs the key and we head upstairs and memories flush as all the memories come back but not of being afraid but kinda sad because the place may have scared the hell out of me, but it was still home. I climb the stairs up that Ive done back many times and as I see the floor to my eye level I start to see and ..nothing, no walls but yep that was home, nothing left just the bare house roof and only thing actually was the windows. I look around and feel sad but not scared but nostalgic. When we start to leave I look one last time and just whisper to myself, it was a hell of time and I smile and make my way down.

As time went on Ive never had a ghost related or haunting related event. But have had strange things happen but thats for another time. I know many can relate to me Ive heard stories of people being surrounded by shadow people coming out of candles which is interesting but also many others like mine. At the end we only know almost nothing of how life comes in play with the universe, endless stars and just the unknown waiting to be discovered. 

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