
January 18, 2016


If there is one thing everybody in the world knows is that when we were kids we always heard people or friends tell us about a location or place that was haunted or had ghosts. Hauntings is a phenomenon that occurs when an entity gets attached to a location and creates uneasiness by moving things, possessing objects likes toys, dolls, etc and also in extreme cases apparitions and poltergeist activity. The entity that haunts the location can be various types of beings like elementals, departed people by unwillingness to move on or traumatic death, angels, demons, or just earthbound spirits(forest spirits like elementals) or ancient beings. Hauntings usually dont present themselves at once , it usually takes time for the spirit to noticed the energy change in the place like if someone moves in and the place was being renovated or is about to be modified. Yet some cases take abrupt turns in aggression like deformed humanoid ghosts or just creepy as most common shadows of ghost or commonly referred to as shadow people. But not all hauntings are deemed evil, in some cases they are friendly entities that can be as long as you feel confortable with them, and usually leave if you ask them too. Some usually are just recidual hauntings that are triggered by an object that needs to be taken out or discovered. But the scariest form is when it is a demonic haunting. They are caused by either the place or some connection to the demons, it could be a past event in the location like indian burial grounds or battle scene areas. These are the most strong and dangerous as many people have died in demon infested locations. And the strangest are the most less known but hauntings that are caused by nature spirits, they can be a talking animal or just lights that people follow. These hauntings are more strange as nobody has really asked their names in invenstigations with evp's. They can be friendly as with some stories of children getting lost in the woods and helped by fairies or voices that led them back home, and even some with soldiers in battle. At the end hauntings have very different reasons they can happen which may be an event, death, or just nature. And also is a part of how unknown our world can be and all the things we yet have to learn about it and ourselfs.

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