
January 18, 2016

Ghost Animals

We have all had pets at one point or had a friend with one. But when they pass away we never wonder if they haunt or stick around after death. Animals ghosts were common in tribal cultures which the animals spoke to them or shape shifted to a human form. Animal ghosts in tribal cultures are also respected as the spirit of nature and the earth and even were offered sacrifices for power or peace. There are many stories of ghost animals for example when the railroads in the US were being built which there were sightings of a rider on a horse and just vanishing. Also around the time in battle areas sometimes soldiers and people heard growls were dead soldiers were with dogs and they believed that it was their dogs still protecting the soldiers even in death.

The most common animals seen as ghosts are dogs, cats, and horses in that order. Many accounts of seeing their beloved pet follow a pattern that the animals return when the person is in grief. But the time that they see or sense their companion pet is usually short after the person is in a better state. Which studies suggest it may be the persons mind creating a phantom representation of their pet to help relieve the person of grief and health. But many other accounts without explanation remain that even today still happen. Next time you walk by yourself and see a cat or dog just watching you without any reaction to you being close or even next to chances are they are ghosts that just decided to stick around.

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