
January 18, 2016

Trigger Objects

Trigger objects are a very important part of hauntings and even sometimes the main cause. They are objects which someone who has passed away treasured as a very important personal item or had a big significance to them. And when they pass aways sometimes their energy gets concentrated to a certain object but in general we all pass our energy in items that we use all the time but we all have personal items like a box with family photos or items that represent a big event that happened in the past and concentrates more in those objects. The objects don't necessarily mean the spirit of the owner is there but could be a residual haunting that gets triggered when the specific item is removed, brought in, or tampered with. Psychics tend to be able to see memories with these objects, like a movie with flashes of different times that person had associated with the item. Trigger objects can be described as a way for the soul to still not truly be gone from the earth. Another to put it the famous story of J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Harry fights voldermort but find out they can kill him because of items that keep his soul bound to the earth which in the story is referred to as horcruxes.

In many stories trigger objects also have there twin but they are referred as cursed objects which are either being possesed by an evil spirit or other entities. These objects are much more feared because of the following of hauntings that happen after obtaining them or even just by touching them. The most common way to stop the hauntings from these items are to remove them from the premises. Famous cursed objects range from dolls to cars. Ultimately nothing can be done to get rid of whatever is causing the phenomena and are not usually destroyed but kept in museums to tell others of its history.

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