
January 20, 2016

The Grey Lady / Lady in Grey

Willard Library located in Evansville, Indiana
The Grey lady is a ghost that is famous for haunting the Willard Library. Built in 1881 by William Carpenter known as the Pioneer of public charity was also the Father of Louise Carpenter who is rumored to be the Lady in Grey. William Carpenter was known to make less ethical business deals and some of his personal dealings were not considered charitable. When William Carpenter died he essentially left almost nothing to his children of his immense wealth and practically cut them off completely. Official Library Website

Louise Carpenter

Many believe that Louise Carpenter is the Grey Lady but rumors suggest it could have been another lady that predates the Library itself due to the clothing associated with the ghost sightings. Also because of the sightings being non violent. Researchers believe that if it was her than she probably would have been throwing books and creating a more angry mood. Either case the Lady in Grey is a mystery as to why she may be haunting the library. The first reported sighting was by a janitor in the 1930s and soon many people have reported strange phenomena.

Proof captures of the Grey Lady from the Library Ghost Cams.
Captured by Margaret Blackwood from Scotland, with the ghost cam while the library was closed at night.

The library has become so popular that cameras were installed in the library to capture the Grey lady. Many users can go online here and see the library through cams installed and practically wait for the opportunity and luck to capture the Gray lady and any other ghosts that may be around. It has produced many interesting captures and many users have submitted their findings of the spirits in the library. There is also another spirit which is a boy named Billy that haunts the children's room that has been seen.

Why not try to watch the cams? You may never know if you will be the one who will capture the Lady in Grey.

Today many people who work and live around the library have reported strange events and also sightings of the Grey Lady. Several employees in the Library have reported sightings, even police responded to an alarm being triggered in the library and seeing two ghosts in a upstairs window of the library. Many researches have also investigated the library and have had many occurrences. Occurrences mostly reported are water turned off or on, smell of perfume, cold temperature changes, unexplained noises, moved books and furniture, being touched on peoples hair and earrings , and finding strange objects in the library.

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