
January 25, 2016

Paranormal Entities around the World

Artificial ghosts

So before I begin talking about reported ghost phenomena i'm gonna talk about artificial ghosts which are created by interfering with the brains sensory signals. Are ghosts only created in our brains? The following experiment says that they are. The experiment was conducted in Switzerland led by Professor Olaf Blanke. The team located at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) of Switzerland stated that the research they conducted has given up the ghost to science. Professor Olaf Blanke explained why: "Our experiment induced the sensation of a foreign presence in the laboratory for the first time. It shows that it can under normal conditions, simply through conflicting sensory motor signals. The robotic system mimics the sensations of some patients with mental disorders or of unhealthy individuals under extreme circumstances. This confirms that it is caused by an altered perception of their own bodies in the brain."
Credit: Current Biology

The experiment recreated the feelings of presence or FOP. The illusion was achieved from a programed delay (500 milliseconds) between the brains processing of the body's movements. And this did not just conjure up feelings of being watched and feeling a presence but also two participants asked for it to stop because they were too spooked by the experiment. The scientists say the experiment that what some people experienced is just a trick of the brain. Co-Author  Dr Giulio Rognini from the EPFL said: "Our brain possesses several representations of our body in space. Under normal conditions, it is able a unified self-perception of self from these representations. But then the system malfunctions because of disease - or in this case, a robot - this can sometimes create a second representation of one's own body, which is no longer perceived as 'me' but as someone else, a "presence".

I know what you may be its all in our minds? Well the experiment was conducted on 12 individuals with various neurological conditions like epilepsy, stroke, migraine, etc. The experiment robot was controlled by the volunteers who were blindfolded to move its jointed mechanical arm with index fingers.
Credit: Alain Herzog / EPFL

The movements were translated to another robot arm behind them which touched their backs. The volunteers felt weird but nothing special, only when the back arm robot touch was delayed by 500 milliseconds occurred the sensations began and all the strange feelings were conjured up. Also the participants had records of encountering FOPs in their history.

Credit: Alain Herzog / EPFL

Credit: Alain Herzog / EPFL

There has been criticism but keep in mind that the sensations were triggered by an outside source, this doesn't not disprove that all sensations are of our minds but that outside factors can interfere with our brain senses and cause unnerving feelings of something near, either by the air, emotional feelings, disease, or something else...

For more information visit the EPFL Post here.

Haunted Vessels 

Haunted Vessels can be anything inanimate like for example ships, cars, machinery, that has had contact with many people who have been around it. Thus after years this energy tends to build and give the vessels it own life according to legend.

Many stories have been told of ghost ships which are plentiful in occurrences. Many stories tell of ships being abandoned and found with no evidence of a struggle raid or otherwise. One famous legend is about a ship named Caleuche in southern Chile. The legend describes the ship as its own conscious being that sails the sea carrying the spirits of people who have drowned in sea, most commonly near the island of Chiloe. The sightings of Caleuche are described as looking beautiful and bright accompanied with sounds of music like from a party and laughing. When the ship disappears it does so by submerging itself underwater similarly like the legendary Ghost Ship the Flying Dutchman. Today the legend of Caleuche is considered one of the most important myth of the culture of Chile.

Crisis Apparition Spirit
Caergwrle Bridge Ghost

Crisis Apparition Spirits are recently deceased people who visits someone they strongly connected or had strong emotional ties with usually to say goodbye before moving on or when in a severe state of health. The Apparition occurs in many ways, one for example when a person is close to death and they seemingly send out a message usually images of the location to the person they have strong connections with but unknowingly meaning the person who is dying is not aware of it at all. Sometimes they appear after death to the one the love to show how they died before having any knowledge of what has happened.

Crowd ghosts

Crowd ghosts are ghosts that appear only when there are many people in one place like train stations, sports arenas, musicals, operas, etc. Many types of these ghosts also appear in photographs of parties, celebration, family portraits and are often not recognized by anyone. Some are recognized as a friend, family member, brother sister, person who used to be around the area a lot. Crowd ghosts can be friendly and demonic in some cases.
Photo dating from World War 2 (in Egypt) in a drinking party, labeled as a friendly soldier ghost 

Another famous ghost photo

Ghosts That Are Unaware They Are Deceased

Ghost Guard taken in Geelong Gaol, Victoria 

If there is something that many people find creepy is that they may be dead. Knowing that nobody sees you and everything seems to repeat itself in a loop trying to escape. Many accounts of ghosts are of those who don't know they are dead. This happens when the person dies in a fast manner, in their sleep, shot, car accident, or without them having a clue that they have died. And encounters describe the ghost as performing normal tasks that they used to do while alive like if its another day. In theory it is thought that they create their own reality and continue interacting with people they knew like if they were alive. Reports from people who have experienced the ghosts describe feelings of confusion, sadness, and feelings that are like of desperation usually where the person who died lived or spend most of their days.

Ghosts With Unfinished Business

Credit: Hernan Marin

Another types of ghost are those that have unfinished business. The ghost will actively pursue his/her goal or telling of information. An example are stories of when someone gets murdered and the killer escapes without the police finding anything. The ghosts will try to tell someone close to them about who the killer is or how to find them. Other times they can appear as monster or disfigured but not to haunt purposely but usually correlates to how they died. Sometimes it can be totally different like showing someone the location of treasure of were they died or where something big happened. Once the information is showed or told the ghost moves on and is never seen again. 

Ghosts that are Trapped or Lost

Credit: Christophe Gilbert

Another type of ghost is one that are bound to the living world or hopelessly lost to wander in a location or locations. Many accounts of this type of ghosts are supposedly trapped by an event that caused them to get stuck or that another entity is keeping them bound to earth. The ghost can be suppressed by an evil entity or by another energy. And the trapped ghosts usually in homes, caves, and forests mainly but varies. 

The ghosts that are lost can be from people that were traveling to another place to live or just traveling and died in an accident. The ghosts that are lost are usually seen where a long road or stretch of water that was used to get to one place to another also highways, etc.

Ghost Lights

Marfa Lights 

One of the most common types of sightings are ghost lights. They are not bound usually in one location but can travel long distances  and are often attributed is to extraterrestrial activity. Ghost lights can vary in form and color. Sometimes with ghosts it can be from old candles and torches from the time the ghost was alive or the firing of weapons like guns and canons. The phenomena is mainly seen near mountains, hills, rivers, oceans, forests, around homes and the sky. The origins of these lights can sometimes be connected to a person or event but in many cases they are connected to aliens or some other form of energy. Rare natural phenomenon can cause lights by a complex blend of circumstances but are dismissed due to the lack of evidence of it happening were a sighting occurred.

There are also stories of lights guiding people to safety or away from a certain place. The most commonly locations of these guiding lights are reported in forests. Some people believe that they are the nature spirits or even fairies.

Another explanation is that they are caused by aliens, drones, secret government experiments, or a vortex. Today many places experience ghost lights that seem to have no origin and disappear as suddenly as they appear. 

Hornet Spook light being observed by onlookers

One of the most famous documented lights are the Hornet Spook lights in Joplin, Missouri. The lights are well documented and have been described by the military as lights from an unknown source. The place where they appear is located twelve miles southwest of Joplin in a remote location but the lights attract many people that want to experience the lights themselves. Its origin is often attributed to local legends of Indians that were killed or are searching for their remains or someone. When a person tries to get near the lights the light seemingly disappear without a trace and when they backup they reappear.  They range in color and are seen near treetops and many people have tried to explain its origin but end up with more questions than answers. There are many videos online that show the elusive lights and accounts of their experience seeing them.

Artists rendition of a Will-o-Wisp

Lastly there is another type of ghost lights that manifest in a unique matter that are called Will-o-Wisp and appear in many folktales. Probably the most used in stories of ghosts and haunting are of lights that manifest without a source and have had a great impact in superstition since their sightings in the past.

Vengeful Ghosts

Eugene Thiebault 1863 Famous photographer created ghostly photos by using double exposure before photoshop
Vengeful ghosts are spirits that return to the living world to get revenge due to unfair death or murder and can come back not just in human ghost forms and also animals. Vengeful ghosts are more violent than most other ghost and have been reported to attack anyone when they disrupt the place that they either lived in or died. Vengeful ghosts make up a good amount of sightings that purposely scares the person and can attack. Injuries include scratches, nightmares that repeat every night or when they sleep, also creating a mess around the house. Stories of these types of ghosts have been told since ancient times, and is part of several cultures around the world. 

Hungry Ghosts

Hungry ghosts are a type of spirit that in Chinese Buddhism and tradition are driven by intense emotional needs in a animalistic way. They are mainly told in Chinese and Japanese beliefs. Hungry ghosts are told to be formed when the persons whole family died or stopped respecting their ancestors. 

The term hungry ghost can be referred as to a form of punishment and is told that the person can return as an animal as well. Hungry Ghosts are described as people who were greedy, jealous, selfish, or envious.

Ghost Festival offerings being prepared 

In Hong Kong their is a belief that their ancestors are granted permission to return to the living world and are ready to eat because they were either not given offerings or sufficient offerings and people prepare offerings to the hungry ghosts in what they call the Ghost Festival. 

Mischievous ghosts

Mischievous ghosts are ghost that manifest paranormal activity for its own amusement or unknown cause. They can often be confused for evil ghosts but do no harm. They are reported to take stuff and move it around the house or whisper random things. They often require attention and when ignored then expect some of your stuff to go missing specially something that you may need. They have been described as troubled for some cause when they were alive but why they are bound is a mystery. 

Residual Ghosts

Credit: Lollomelo via Flickr

Residual ghosts are very popular. In many cases the apparition of a ghost encounter is usually the same like a video in a loop. In this case communicating with the ghost(s) may not be possible. It can be described as an imprint of the life of the person that lived in the place.

Reports vary from people with horses traveling to nowhere, libraries with extra unknown staff, industrial companies talking to employees that later are discovered to have worked there years ago, noises of a party that originate from nowhere, singing, children playing, and in homes can be relatives that loved doing a certain thing. Many accounts also talk of ghosts that join in gatherings but later are never seen again and many more. Also deceased pets have been reported as appearing like any other day.

Child Ghosts

Child ghosts are a common type of ghost. Child ghosts remain in the living world due to not knowing what to do after its death or being trapped by another entity. Child ghosts are considered as a sad type of ghost because usually was a child that died young and has no idea of what has happened and stay were they played and grew up. They usually stick or cling to someone in order not to feel alone. They are also hard to communicate with because they tend to move around just like children do. When child ghosts are upset they can create a mess around were they appear and just like a child if you talk to it like a little brother or sister they calm down.

Ghostly Sounds and Smells

This type of ghostly phenomenon is reported as one that happens usually to someone who lost a relative or a person that was prominent to a location/place. The phenomenon is described as a smell that the person recognizes such as a certain perfume that a deceased one used to wear or smells that correlate to an event that happened there. One example is reports in hotels of a strong perfume smell that seemingly comes out of nowhere and then disappears. And usually whispers/voices , scratches are heard when ghostly smells manifest. Many reports also show that sometimes the spirit associated with the smell respond to actions of the person that experiences the phenomena. 


Credit Via Flickr by Spectrefloat
Orbs are the most commonly known phenomenon around the world. Orbs are highly debated whether they are attributed to paranormal activity. Many researchers explain them as nothing more than camera retro-reflection off from dust, pollen, etc. But many cases describe orbs as being in differently colors and different than what appear in photographs. Many video recordings exist where Orbs move as with intelligent control and disappear without explanation. They are also associated with it being the energy of the ghost or its form that ghosts turn into to move around. Even though Orbs are commonly described  as spherical many interesting videos of orbs are usually in many different forms such as spinning shapes, rotating squares, or misty ovals that change as they move around essentially they can be any shape but are always concentrated in a small amount of space. They also appear when a ghost communicates or activity happens, and also are seen going into people. The effects of orbs can be from just being frightened to reports saying that the person that had an orb go in or out of the person suddenly gets dizzy, angry, sleepy, or even in some extreme cases possessed. Also Orbs are seen pretty much anywhere where paranormal activity is reported which makes them the most known type of phenomenon in the world and its explanations vary from ghosts to aliens to elementals.

Shadow people

If there is a phenomenon that truly can be very frightening is the sighting of shadow people. Shadow people are apparitions that resemble the human form but are observed to be made of nothing but black smoke or just dark matter that is like a void in space. Shadow people are seen all over the world in practically everywhere. 

Shadow in forest Gif via Tumblr
They have a tendency of appearing out of nowhere and certainly freak out anyone who see them. 
Their origins can sometimes be explained by people who,used to work or live in a place but many cases have no explanation. Some say they are people who lived long ago and others say they are from a different dimension. Whatever their origins they are the most known to inhabit any place even in forests or underwater anywhere. Shadow are not known to attack or be harmful but do scare and are photographed and film in many places and all are just like how they say they look like: shadows with a human shape.

Succubus and Incubus

A Succubus is a demon in female form to engage in sexual activity with man and an Incubus is a demon in male form to to the same but to women. The Succubus or Incubus do sexual activity to take away the life of the person afflicted slowly. Many stories say that they are able to conceive children and the offspring are referred to as a Cambion. A way to get rid of the demons is to perform an exorcism but many debate whether it works. Another way is to just moved the afflicted person to another location. Today not many stories exist of encountering these beings but are referenced in the bible. Many stories tell of being paralyzed when in the presence of the Succubus or Incubus in the past and today researchers say that it may have been a type of sleep paralysis which people labeled as it being a demon specially while being in bed.

Angels and Demons

Angels are the mostly known entity in the world, they are benevolent beings that act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and Earth. They are described as guarding spirits or guiding spirits. The roles of angels are said to be protectors of humans and the ones that carry out Gods tasks. They are commonly described as humanoids with bird like wings, a halo or lights that follow them and show braveness and loyalty to all. Angels are found in various religions and mythologies. Many reported sightings explain that the person who witnessed or even talked to the angel(s) were overcome by a feeling of bliss, calmness, and peace. And angels are also reportedly seen in where a miracle occurred. 

They are sometimes reported being with small children protecting them from harm. And also when someone survives a horrific accident.

Demons often referred to as fiends are malevolent beings that are said to be fallen angels, unclean spirits, or an unknown spirit origin that may cause possessions. It is believed that they can be conjured and even controlled but with immense risks. Demons appear in mostly all of the worlds most known religions and are feared due to its history and beliefs. Demons though are not  all evil in many stories, they are described as the ones that makes sure people believe in God.

They can vary in form , from someone familiar to animals and creatures. Exorcism is a main way of getting rid of demons but comes with a risk of death to the one either possessed or performing the exorcism or anyone in the vicinity of the demon. Reports say that when in vicinity of a Demon that a smell like burning is reported and scratches mostly three marks , and sudden feeling of draining energy. Poltergeist activity is mostly attributed to Demons and can become very extreme such as total change of the area to show frightening and foul things. 

Demon Captured at window in Indiana more info Here

Etheric Revenants

And finally Etheric Revenants are very rare entities that are described similarly as shadow people but are considered extremely dangerous for taking energy from the area they are in. They are so mysterious that many believe they are not from this planet but another dimension or origin. These beings are hardly talked about because of how rare they are. Reports say that they take a physical and emotional toll on its victims. 

January 20, 2016

The Grey Lady / Lady in Grey

Willard Library located in Evansville, Indiana
The Grey lady is a ghost that is famous for haunting the Willard Library. Built in 1881 by William Carpenter known as the Pioneer of public charity was also the Father of Louise Carpenter who is rumored to be the Lady in Grey. William Carpenter was known to make less ethical business deals and some of his personal dealings were not considered charitable. When William Carpenter died he essentially left almost nothing to his children of his immense wealth and practically cut them off completely. Official Library Website

Louise Carpenter

Many believe that Louise Carpenter is the Grey Lady but rumors suggest it could have been another lady that predates the Library itself due to the clothing associated with the ghost sightings. Also because of the sightings being non violent. Researchers believe that if it was her than she probably would have been throwing books and creating a more angry mood. Either case the Lady in Grey is a mystery as to why she may be haunting the library. The first reported sighting was by a janitor in the 1930s and soon many people have reported strange phenomena.

Proof captures of the Grey Lady from the Library Ghost Cams.
Captured by Margaret Blackwood from Scotland, with the ghost cam while the library was closed at night.

The library has become so popular that cameras were installed in the library to capture the Grey lady. Many users can go online here and see the library through cams installed and practically wait for the opportunity and luck to capture the Gray lady and any other ghosts that may be around. It has produced many interesting captures and many users have submitted their findings of the spirits in the library. There is also another spirit which is a boy named Billy that haunts the children's room that has been seen.

Why not try to watch the cams? You may never know if you will be the one who will capture the Lady in Grey.

Today many people who work and live around the library have reported strange events and also sightings of the Grey Lady. Several employees in the Library have reported sightings, even police responded to an alarm being triggered in the library and seeing two ghosts in a upstairs window of the library. Many researches have also investigated the library and have had many occurrences. Occurrences mostly reported are water turned off or on, smell of perfume, cold temperature changes, unexplained noises, moved books and furniture, being touched on peoples hair and earrings , and finding strange objects in the library.

January 19, 2016

The Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtle Plantation was built in 1796 by General David Bradford, and was called Laurel Grove at the time, and is located in St. Francisville near Baton Rouge. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today it is used as a Bed and Breakfast and has many tours of its mystery and history. Official Website

The plantation has had many owners and many events happen throughout its history and today is considered as one of the most haunted homes in the world.
General Bradford lived in there for many years alone because Washington wanted him executed until he was pardoned from his role from the President at the time John Adams in the Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion. Which soon after that Bradford moved his wife Elizabeth and their five children to the plantation from Pennsylvania. After Bradford died one of his law students Clark Wooddroff married one of bradfords daughter, Sara Mathilda.

They managed the plantation for Elizabeth after Bradfords death.
Clark and Elizabeth had three children which in time two died to the yellow fever in 1823 and 1824. Later after Elizabeth Bradford died in 1831, Clark and his only surviving daughter moved to Covington, Louisiana and left a caretaker to manage the plantation. Soon after in 1834, Clark sold the plantation which included all the land and its slaves to Ruffin Gray Stirling. Clark woodroff would later die in 1851 in New Orleans.

The new owner Stirling and his wife Mary Catherine Cobb would be the ones that would remodel the house extensively which doubled the size of the house, had imported fancy furniture from Europe and renamed it to what we know it famously today as The Myrtles.

In 1865, Mary Cobb hired a man named William Drew Winter to help manage the plantation as her lawyer and agent. William was married to Mary Cobb's daughter, Sara Stirling. William and Sara had six children. One of their children Kate Winters died from typhoid at age three.
The family were soon forced to sell the plantation in 1868, but were able to buy again two years later.

In 1871, William Winter was shot on the porch of the house, possibly by a man named E.S. Webber, and died within minutes. According to records when he was shot he staggered inside the house and died trying to climb the stairs, and on the 17th step of the stairs. Sarah with her mother and siblings remained at the Myrtles until 1878, when Sarah died. Mary Cobb died two years later in 1880 which the plantation was passed on to one of her sons, Stephen. At the time the plantation was heavily in debt and Stephen later sold it to Oran D. Brooks in 1886. Later again the plantation was sold by brooks in 1889 which after had several owners until 1891 when it was purchased by Harrison Milton Williams.

In the early 20th century the land surrounding the house was divided among the heirs of Harrison Milton Williams and the actual house was sold in the 1950s to Marjorie Munson who noticed weird things around the Myrtles. Soon again the plantation had many owners till in the 1970s was bought by James and Frances Kermeen Myers. The Myers ran the plantation as a bed and breakfast place. Later Frances Kermeen wrote a book about the Myrtles Plantation naming it as the most haunted home in America.

Photo that many believe is the ghost of Chloe

The Myrtles Plantation aside from having an extensive history, it also carries many mysteries about events that cannot be explained. And over the years attracted ghost hunters and researchers over the years. One of the stories that circulate is the legend of Chloe who was a slave owned by Clark and Sarah Woodruff who has two stories, one that Clark wanted to make her his mistress, and the other that she listened on Clark's work by listening through keyholes and being caught by either Clark or Sarah and then cutting Chloe's ears off which she used a green turban to hide what happened. And then Chloe then tries to poison the whole family but misfired but that only Sarah and two of her daughter did get poisoned, she ultimately got hanged by the other slaves and thrown in the Mississippi River as punishment. Even though the legend has been told around there is no evidence to support the story but whatever the accurate version of the story was, people say that a woman with a green turban haunts the plantation.

Haunted mirror that many have seen Sarah and her two daughters
Another legend is that there is a mirror that holds the spirit of Sarah and her two daughters which apparently appear in the mirror or leave hand prints. And that mirrors at the time were considered covered in death. Also people tell that they have seen a ghost stagger or crawl up the stairs which is connected to the only verified death of the house when William Drew Winter was shot on the porch by E.S. Webber and that the ghost stops or disappears on the 17th step. Many versions of his last minutes prior to death are still being contested  as to how he died.

Today the Myrtle Plantation stands of one the most Historical and considered as one of the most haunted homes in the world. Also many television producers, filmmakers, and researches have filmed in the Myrtles Plantation to investigate all the legends and ghosts that reside there.

January 18, 2016

Ghost Animals

We have all had pets at one point or had a friend with one. But when they pass away we never wonder if they haunt or stick around after death. Animals ghosts were common in tribal cultures which the animals spoke to them or shape shifted to a human form. Animal ghosts in tribal cultures are also respected as the spirit of nature and the earth and even were offered sacrifices for power or peace. There are many stories of ghost animals for example when the railroads in the US were being built which there were sightings of a rider on a horse and just vanishing. Also around the time in battle areas sometimes soldiers and people heard growls were dead soldiers were with dogs and they believed that it was their dogs still protecting the soldiers even in death.

The most common animals seen as ghosts are dogs, cats, and horses in that order. Many accounts of seeing their beloved pet follow a pattern that the animals return when the person is in grief. But the time that they see or sense their companion pet is usually short after the person is in a better state. Which studies suggest it may be the persons mind creating a phantom representation of their pet to help relieve the person of grief and health. But many other accounts without explanation remain that even today still happen. Next time you walk by yourself and see a cat or dog just watching you without any reaction to you being close or even next to chances are they are ghosts that just decided to stick around.

Trigger Objects

Trigger objects are a very important part of hauntings and even sometimes the main cause. They are objects which someone who has passed away treasured as a very important personal item or had a big significance to them. And when they pass aways sometimes their energy gets concentrated to a certain object but in general we all pass our energy in items that we use all the time but we all have personal items like a box with family photos or items that represent a big event that happened in the past and concentrates more in those objects. The objects don't necessarily mean the spirit of the owner is there but could be a residual haunting that gets triggered when the specific item is removed, brought in, or tampered with. Psychics tend to be able to see memories with these objects, like a movie with flashes of different times that person had associated with the item. Trigger objects can be described as a way for the soul to still not truly be gone from the earth. Another to put it the famous story of J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Harry fights voldermort but find out they can kill him because of items that keep his soul bound to the earth which in the story is referred to as horcruxes.

In many stories trigger objects also have there twin but they are referred as cursed objects which are either being possesed by an evil spirit or other entities. These objects are much more feared because of the following of hauntings that happen after obtaining them or even just by touching them. The most common way to stop the hauntings from these items are to remove them from the premises. Famous cursed objects range from dolls to cars. Ultimately nothing can be done to get rid of whatever is causing the phenomena and are not usually destroyed but kept in museums to tell others of its history.

My real life haunting

Before i start with my story i would like to say that this website is for everyone and I personally think everyone should show about what society shrugs off as made up or false stories. Religious or not believer or not it is a subject that at least one of our family members has gone through and as humans should respect what they told us about their experiences and support them. Because one of the worst feelings we can experience is denial of our family, friends when you feel deep inside that it happened or saw something. Like diseases we don't choose to be affected by them it just happens for reasons we may never know. 

Growing up in the north side of Chicago I spent all my childhood living in my aunts house. Normal life, went to school, nothing out of the ordinary except that i liked to go out a lot to parks and just anywhere to have fun full of energy. But if there was something I absolutely loved was astronomy and skyscrapers. When I got my first telescope I almost every night I would go outside at night to look at the moon at the stars, and even knew what planets were visible in what month which today I totally have forgotten. In school I would draw the sears tower(Willis now) and just cities of what I thought the future would look like. But there was something that always lurked in the back of my mind throughout all those times, the night was my biggest fear and specially where we lived at the top of the house which was where my life would change forever.

The laughs the times with my friends were the things that kept me from thinking about all the weird things that happened to me and later on to other members of my family. It could be that one of the reasons I liked going out so much was to not stay where we lived alone since my parents usually went down to the neighbors to talk or just help on cooking food, and I would just stay since I either had homework to do or just help clean. I certainly didn't like being alone upstairs, every time  I felt like a heavy presence every time I was alone. And even when my parents were there I sometimes just never got out of their sight because of a weird feeling like when you know someone is gonna get you like a dog chasing you which I certainly experienced a lot of those ha ha so my body would react accordingly but the weirdest thing I would feel that but at home when at the direction that I felt it there nothing, noone. As I grew up I started to have weird dreams that were just plainly bizarre like people with deformed bodies and no eyes or multiple arms and so on. It was freaky specially with weird feelings around the place.

As time went on I started to notice it less and had another aunt and uncle live with us, it was a pretty good sized apartment so it was no problem getting everyone settled in. And thats when it began getting out of control. The following months my aunt that moved in told my mother that she had seen shadows near the main room which is were me my mother and father slept in and she and my uncle outside in other rooms. She as she was gonna go to the bathroom to take a shower as she was heading towards it she turned around to face the door of the main room and saw on the bottom shadows and she thought it was us or me but as she saw the movement of shadow on the bottom of the door she remembered that we left to the grocery store, i forgot to add she arrived from work after we left. She obviously freaked out and ignored it, thinking it was just stress from work or just trees reflecting their shadows to the door. 

My uncle had a pretty bad scare. He was starting to go to sleep when he said that his bed started vibrating but then also swaying like levitating and then it started shaking violently and he was scared beyond belief but this is were it changed everything, he said he started praying to the Virgin Mary and as he did whatever was under his bed let go and the bed fell and he started to see a light which he said literally calmly put him to sleep. Until he woke up he saw the bed all crooked out of place and told my parents. They rarely told me anything I would just listen to what they were saying about the weird stuff that happened and later tell me more. That was the event that made everyone know that there was something else with us. And that freaked me out even more I felt even more uneasy.

After some time my aunt and uncle left and still had there experiences but nothing like before. Thats when it was just me and my parents again. This period I would call the mad phase because of the amount of arguments over nothing and just even me feeling anger towards everything. Even I knew something was wrong and my parents were acting differently than before, just mad but even me like a shock of anger out of nowhere. Like everything else it suddenly stopped. I even joked that they haven't argued about anything in a while and they said they don't remember fighting. 

And at last I was the last one to experience whatever was there because it escalated to ghosts to unknown entities in one year span which after that nothing. So I will just get to it, first. The tooth fairy was something I recently heard about that year and wanted to leave my soon to fall off tooth for something which when it fell I put it under my pillow and proceeded to fall sleep. It was cool to see my tooth gone and a few bucks in its place. I proceeded to do it every time which always got something. But I suspected my parents being the ones putting money so I had one tooth I haven't shown them that I had or maybe a tooth I haven't used but either way without them knowing I placed  it and fell sleep, they knew I had no more tooth to place so it was perfect. I suddenly like everyone wakes up slightly to change sleeping positions but before I moved through my eyelids I saw that It was bright and wondered if it was already morning so I opened my eyes and was facing the wall as usual but suddenly closed them because I knew it was still dark but a light was moving around the room which i didn't want to turn around to see. The most incredible thing was that there was like a slow harp music playing but very peaceful. It still freaked the hell out of me and just never opened my eyes and fell sleep again. I wake up and the tooth is gone and nothing in the pillow.

The next event was when I was waking up. It was still dark at night and I wanted to get out of the bed but couldn't. My legs were not frozen but they get pulled back to the center so I couldn't move out the bed. I started struggling and started to cry and I could hear myself cry and saw my parents kinda react to me start to cry so I decide Ill just scream, as soon as I inhale everything goes silent. I stop and try to make noise and see that it isn't working, so I start to shake the bed but as soon as I did it looked liked the bed was moving in slow motion which didn't make any noise at all and made things even worse. I start to think and just freak out and at the end of my bed I see like a door rising from probably the floor from how i saw it rise but at the end of the bed but it wasn't made of wood it was nothing but black darkness, literally like just black in the shape of a rectangle which I described as a door. And then the weirdest thing happens, I see time speed up, I see my parents tossing and turning, and the window on how the rays of the sun move across the window, I was so distracted that I didn't notice the black door just vanish. A bit after my parents wake up and stare at me asking me am I ok and I just lay back in bed sleepy as hell and go to sleep. 

Another event is when at night I was sleeping. I wake up and just see the table with candles that my parents leave at night, they were pretty bright but I just glanced at them nothing more when suddenly I see dark shadowy lines comes from the flame of the candle and slowly make their way around me, I just stare scared as see the lines expand in size and look like if someone with robes is praying, all around my bed I see the shadows praying around me and I just don't move but don't close my eyes and just start crying slowly and hide under my bedsheets, i look again and there gone.

The last is seeing the culprit. In this time I slept at the end of the bed with my parents due to the place scaring me. I wake up early like I usually did those days and hear noises and well pretty much like 20 feet from me I see a hole in the ceiling that you can see the other side just intense white circle and a skeleton grabbing on to a rope i guess I couldn't really see what type it was but a skeleton with a sort of facial expression of sadness and crying trying to get up but can't... Afterwards I see on another morning movement around the room, and my parents in a frozen state just oblivious to me looking around already crying but just looking, and by the window I see a person but with red skin which today I would describe as just flesh no skin and a grin showing off many teeth with yellow eyes staring at me and I quickly turn away trying desperately to wake my mother but shes non responsive and I hear another ruffling noise and I look up near the window and see a floating entity stating at me and all I hear is my heartbeat and just freeze in terror, it was a creature maybe it was a type of demon but then  again I stare at it and it stares at me and it moves its face towards the window and I see it move towards the window and pass through the wall still with its grin. And well time passes again, the light of the sun fills the room but in a beautiful yellow white glow and I look around and see nothing, feel nothing and can hear everything again and just start crying and my mother wakes up instantly and hugs me as I cry and cry. 

After that day nothing happened to me or anyone else. There were times somethings may have happened but nothing big. After that we moved to the second floor. The last time I had something happen was when my uncle came to visit and we were in the kitchen and above us hear two heavy footsteps and stare at it each other because the place was alone and the door locked for the top floor. No one lived there. We just smiled and just forgot it. That was the last time Ive ever had any experiences of that type. It never happened after and nothing at all now. I saw many things, heard screams saw weird shadows but at the end it all stopped after I saw the being and yet it didn't stay it left, and to this day the ceiling floor walls have been taken down due to a weird inspection that made that floor not good for anyone. And it stands just like when we moved in, no walls just wooden roof but  noone has plans to rebuild it anytime soon, my dad did when we first moved in, he worked all the floor all the walls and today all gone all empty, and locked. 

It wasn't until 10 years later i return to visit my aunt since we moved way south we moved around a bit looking for a place to comfortably be in. When I visited I was amazed how much has changed, but then I asked her, hows the top floor? She said , we had a guy rent there but he left soon after and then had inspectors come in and take everything down due to a construction violation. I was surprised but i asked her can i go see? she says yes and grabs the key and we head upstairs and memories flush as all the memories come back but not of being afraid but kinda sad because the place may have scared the hell out of me, but it was still home. I climb the stairs up that Ive done back many times and as I see the floor to my eye level I start to see and ..nothing, no walls but yep that was home, nothing left just the bare house roof and only thing actually was the windows. I look around and feel sad but not scared but nostalgic. When we start to leave I look one last time and just whisper to myself, it was a hell of time and I smile and make my way down.

As time went on Ive never had a ghost related or haunting related event. But have had strange things happen but thats for another time. I know many can relate to me Ive heard stories of people being surrounded by shadow people coming out of candles which is interesting but also many others like mine. At the end we only know almost nothing of how life comes in play with the universe, endless stars and just the unknown waiting to be discovered. 

The Departed

When it comes to the paranormal ghosts are the main subject in terms of research because of its obscurity. Ghosts in a nutshell are the spiritual beings that were once alive and have died and now either roam the earth or a certain place. Ghosts have been seen from all figures in history from modern day presidents to old civilizations from the ancient past. And what people say they are surprisingly matches really close to definition on what ghosts are. Some say they are people who died never being happy, died horribly or in an accident, have an important message to tell, and even that other entities evil or angelic keep them on earth for different purposes.

Throughout all history ghosts have been subject to major skepticism from researchers but never disproven. People who see ghosts in the past where considered cursed or a bad omen to people but always taken seriously at the time. Today the existence of ghosts still has not been proven or disproven. And still is a controversial topic that people try to disprove its existence by either it being a genetic sequence to just hysteria and hallucinations. But unlike the past we are in a whole different world which right now actually have theories that prove they can exist, and that would be science. Ever since the neutrino was discovered it changed the scientific community forever. What does this have to do with ghosts you say? Well interestingly neutrinos are subatomic particles that behave unlike any other, described as the most tiny quantity of reality ever imagined by a human being. Ok so about it relating to ghosts it is a particle that....get ready.. passes through absolutely everything without interfering with what its passing, HINT what do we hear that passes through walls and such? GHOSTS!!! In fact the particle is dubbed the Ghost Particle.

As time passes we may one day figure out how to detect ghost instead of relying on their energy fields and guessing where they might appear. Also with scientists coming up with string theory and multiple dimensions it all gives ghosts more theorical proof that they are multi dimensional beings that as of yet we do not understand how to detect it and its mysteries, yet.


If there is one thing everybody in the world knows is that when we were kids we always heard people or friends tell us about a location or place that was haunted or had ghosts. Hauntings is a phenomenon that occurs when an entity gets attached to a location and creates uneasiness by moving things, possessing objects likes toys, dolls, etc and also in extreme cases apparitions and poltergeist activity. The entity that haunts the location can be various types of beings like elementals, departed people by unwillingness to move on or traumatic death, angels, demons, or just earthbound spirits(forest spirits like elementals) or ancient beings. Hauntings usually dont present themselves at once , it usually takes time for the spirit to noticed the energy change in the place like if someone moves in and the place was being renovated or is about to be modified. Yet some cases take abrupt turns in aggression like deformed humanoid ghosts or just creepy as most common shadows of ghost or commonly referred to as shadow people. But not all hauntings are deemed evil, in some cases they are friendly entities that can be as long as you feel confortable with them, and usually leave if you ask them too. Some usually are just recidual hauntings that are triggered by an object that needs to be taken out or discovered. But the scariest form is when it is a demonic haunting. They are caused by either the place or some connection to the demons, it could be a past event in the location like indian burial grounds or battle scene areas. These are the most strong and dangerous as many people have died in demon infested locations. And the strangest are the most less known but hauntings that are caused by nature spirits, they can be a talking animal or just lights that people follow. These hauntings are more strange as nobody has really asked their names in invenstigations with evp's. They can be friendly as with some stories of children getting lost in the woods and helped by fairies or voices that led them back home, and even some with soldiers in battle. At the end hauntings have very different reasons they can happen which may be an event, death, or just nature. And also is a part of how unknown our world can be and all the things we yet have to learn about it and ourselfs.

Tarot Cards

Before we begin did you already know what types of cards above were? Chances are you did or atleast have an idea what they are used for. 

Tarot cards have a long history from princesses to kings which have help them gain popularity all over the world. Tarot cards were made to depict peoples most commom conflicts in their life and desires to relate to them. Also the cards need someone preferably a physic that can interpret the meanings through a reading which is the act of telling your future or your situation according to the mystical cards. 

This facination helped reading tarot cards spread all over the world and have influenced many famous figures throughout history. Today physics are plendiful so much in fact that you can chat with them online or have a cam session with a physic to read the cards for you. If you ask me this a thing that will probably last for a very long time due to our curiosity and just a need to get in touch with our spiritual selfs.